


I recently completed a Master’s Program in Business Analytics from the University of California-Irvine. The purpose of this site is to showcase some of my career projects and things related to my career, it is a way to keep a record of the things I do and tings I am interested in.

A little bit about me:

* Born and raised in Mexico City
* I became a US Citizen in 2019
* Studied Financial Economics and Mathematics at Brigham Young University-Idaho
* Studied Business Analytics at The University of California-Irvine
* Worked in Mexico and the US
* I got lucky and married-up, way up
* I cannot stand onions
* I grew up playing competitive tennis and now a weekend player
* Got into Crossfit a couple years ago
* I care about energy and waste 

Some of the Certifications and courses I have completed


Alteryx Designer Core

Tableau Desktop Specialist

Data Scientist with R- over 100 hours of R programming

R Programming Track


Introduction to Python

Intermediate Python for Data Science

Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)

Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)


Intro to SQL for Data Science

Joining Data in SQL


Introduction to R

Intermediate R

Intermediate R - Practice

Introduction to the Tidyverse

Importing Data in R (Part 1)

Importing Data in R (Part 2)

Cleaning Data in R

Importing & Cleaning Data in R: Case Studies

Writing Functions in R

Data Manipulation in R with dplyr

Joining Data in R with dplyr

Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 1)

Correlation and Regression

Supervised Learning in R- Classification

Introduction to Data in R

Machine Learning Toolbox

Multiple and Logistic Regression

Reporting with R Markdown