
Inline styles:

strong, emphasis, strong and emphasis,code, underline, strikethrough, 😂🤣, Link


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Here’s some basic text.

And here’s some italics

Here’s some bold text.

What about a link?

Here’s a bulleted list:

Here’s a numbered list:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

Here’s an unordered list:

A table:

Tables Are Cool
col 1 is left-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
col 3 is right-aligned $1

Want to quote something or make it stand out?Also add a reference?.1

Python code block:

    import numpy as np
    def test_function(x, y):
      z = np.sum(x,y)
      return z

R code block:

  df <- read_csv("some_file.csv")